Monday, March 4, 2013

Amarillo, WAHOO!
At the risk of tagging  the good folks of Amarillo with a nickname like, "Stinker or Holy Crap! What the Hell is that Smell?!", I realize there will be no risk as no one will, especially those from Amarillo,  be reading this.
As we were approaching an odor so strong and foul hit us like a charging Bull. I immediately yelled at Seville. After two other long days, event free (no cat mistakes or smells in the cage), I figured it must have finally happened. As were driving in the dark we could not see the surrounding countryside. I was chiding the cat and Kathy kept saying,"that can't be the cat, it must be cattle yards close by that can't be seen in this darkness". This smell, though not as strong, was still in the air when we got to our hotel. So I guess Amarillo is an agricultural center. Who knew?
Other than this bit of excitement we did pass by the largest Meteor Crater, which can be viewed on google, and gave me an opportunity to take a shot of Mt. Humphrey.  
We spent a wonderful evening with the Johnson's at their new home in Wichita. Zoe is beautiful and growing up so fast. Nick and Sabrina, as always, so much fun to be with. Being in the same time zone, I hope to be able to see them sooner than every 3 years or so.
I post these two shots. One of Mt. Humphrey taken from a distance of about 10 miles from the east as we decided not to pay to see the largest meteor crater ever. And a shot of Nick as we left to go back to our hotel.

Our next leg of the journey takes us into winter storm Saturn. I just love it when a plan comes together.


  1. Good to see a pic of Nick...:)

  2. Hi Nick! So good to read about Mike and Kathy getting to visit with you and family! The photo of Mt. Hump is great (not you, Nick). The largest Meteor Crater would have been worth the price; but, maybe not the time. M&K, I forgot to tell you that Amarillo has the best steak houses in the West...if you don't mind the smell while eating your steak.
